Sunday, October 4, 2009

India Maps!


Today we talked about how in India there are many languages, and that most states are divided by language. Of course, all of these states have to work together, so to communicate India chose two national languages: Hindi and English. Why Hindi and English? Hindi is the single language spoken by the largest number of Indians. English is the language of the country, England (not the U.S.!), that ruled India for many years.

Next we labeled out BIG blank maps that we put together the week before. (I apologize to those who did not receive the map. I had printed out 10 copies and thought that would be enough. I encourage those who did not receive a map to print out the map linked below and label it.)

These are the states we labeled:

1) Uttar Pradesh
2) Maharashtra
3) Bihar
4) West Bengal
5) Andhra Pradesh
6) Tamil Nadu
7) Madhya Pradesh
8) Rajasthan
9) Karnataka
10) Gujarat
11) Orissa
12) Kerala
13) Jharkhand
14) Assam
15) Punjab

These are the countries we labeled:
1) Pakistan
2) Nepal
3) Bangladesh

These are the cities:
1) Delhi
2) Mumbai
3) Bengalooru (Banglore)
4) Chennai
5) Hyderabad
6) Kolkata (Calcutta)

And the bodies of water:
1) Arabian Sea
2) Indian Ocean
3) Bay of Bengal

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